Check Own Changes can be used to check the ownership of a transport form during approval / import.

If the current user is the owner of any of the transports being analysed and they are not allowed to approve their own changes a message can be output to report this to the user and prevent approval / import of their own changes.

If the current user is not the owner of any of the transports being analysed and they are only allowed to approve their own changes a message can be output to report this to the user and prevent approval / import of their own changes.


  • PERMITOWNCHANGES: Flag to indicate whether the current user is allowed to approve their own transport forms or not.
    Blank = Not allowed to approve your own transports
    X = Only allowed to approve your own transports
  • OWNERFIELD: Field to be checked to determine the ownership of the transport form. If nothing is specified the ORIG_OWNER field will be checked. If you specify REQUESTOR, then it will check the current transport form owner.


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