It is possible to send General Analysis or Shiftleft analysis results to defined users in an automated email. These Analysis Result notifications can be defined for specific Paths, Targets, and Locations, and optionally also based on the Type and Group of the Transport Form that had the analyser warnings.

Configuration Steps

Step Details
1. Create users groups and assign the relevant users in table /BTI/TE_ANLNFGRU table in Domain Controller.
2. Define the conditions for sending out Analysis Results in table /BTI/TE_ANLNFGRP in the Domain Controller.

Result notifications
PATH: Path where the analysis is run (Mandatory)
TARGET: Target where the analysis is run (Mandatory)
LOCATION: Location (Inbox, Outbox, Import Queue) where the analysis is run (Mandatory)
TYPEID: Transport form type (Optional). Only set to restrict the results for specific transports
GROUPID: Transport form group (Optional) . Only set to restrict the results for specific transports
REASON: Reason code for analysis issues (e.g. 21 is for the Risk Guard analysis). If not specified the email
will show all analysis issues
USRGROUP: User group (from /BTI/TE_ANLNFGRU) where you want to send the emails to.
3. Switch on the ‘Analysis results’ notification in /BTI/TE_RNOTIFICATION_ENGINE program.


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