If testing of a change is to be signed off in the Windows GUI, the “Enter Test Result…” button can be used.

In the resulting Test Result screen, any test evidence can be uploaded.This can be done either as an attachment (using the “File” button), or by creating a link to the document stored elsewhere (using the “Insert URL” button)

If testing has been successful, select “Testing Successful” in the drop-down. Otherwise choose the appropriate option for the Testing you have performed.

If testing has been successful and you want the Business Task (or Transport(s) – see Note (1) below) to move forward in the workflow, you should click “Save & Approve Testing”. Clicking Save & Close instead will save whatever testing you have done, but leave the Business Task (or Transport(s)) in the Test Queue.


(1) Although Testing is generally signed off at Business Task level, ‘Partial Testing’ is possible in recent versions of ActiveControl for transport owners to sign off testing at an individual transport level. This was added specifically for the use case where a Developer/Functional user wants to sign off the unit testing of their individual transports, prior to the rest of the change being finished and tested.


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