The outbound calls from Transport Expresso to the external ticketing system can all be based on the Deployment Status of a change within TE. Integration scenarios based on TE status changes are delivered as standard with the TE Integration Engine and therefore require no development.

The steps to set up this type of status based integration are:

1. Complete base TE Integration engine configuration. This includes identifying the end points of the integration and any mapping requirements. The mapping engine can be configured for most standard scenarios, but if complex mapping is required, Transport Expresso user exits can be implemented to enhance the standard mapping routines. For more details on TE user exits and how they are implemented, please refer to later section of this Administration Guide.

2. A trigger program should be scheduled to pick up the Task status changes that need to be interfaced to the external system(s). This trigger program selects the appropriate TE records, dependent on the configuration set up above, and passes it through the mapping engine. It then stores the mapped integration transactions into a set of standard tables.


Selection Option Description
External System The system external system the trigger program is to be run against
Task ID Task(s) the trigger program will be run against
Task Type Task Type(s) the trigger program will be run against
Task Reference Task Reference the trigger program will be fun against
Task Priority Task Priority the trigger program will be run against
Send previous changes Select this checkbox if Task status changes is ‘backwards’ in the process and this change should be sent to the external system
Run as though Last Run on The date and time of the ‘last’ run can be entered manually if this flag is checked
Run Date The date of the last run (if manually entered)
Run Time The time of the last run (if manually entered)

3. A send program is then scheduled to pick up the mapped transactions and send them out to the configured external systems. It retrieves the required records and then uses the configured send methods for each particular integration scenario to actually push the data out to the receiving systems. If a standard send method is not available for a particular external system (maybe the ticketing system is a ‘home-grown’ application), then custom send methods can be created and utilised in the Integration Framework.

Program Name: /BTI/TE_INTEG_SEND

Selection Option Description
External System The system external system the send program is to be run against
No. of Retries The number of times the send program will try to send an integration transaction before issuing an error
Transaction Number Specific integration transactions for the send program to process
Supress Notifications Makes sure that no notification emails are sent when the transactions are processed

4. The outcome of the send process is recorded for audit purposes. If successful, any updates configured are made to the TE data objects, alternatively if errors have occurred, the send program will try to re-send (if configured to do so) a certain number of times before marking the transaction in error and sending a notification to the relevant person(s) within the organisation.

5. At any time, the Integration Reporting Console can be used to see the status of all integrations, the status and history of each transaction and can also be used to update the underlying transactional data, if required, to fix errors.


Selection Option Description
Date Date range for the report
Time Time range for the report
All transactions/ Transactions in error Select if all transactions should be displayed or just transactions in error
External System Show only transactions for a specific external system
Transactions Show only specific transaction numbers
Field Name The external system field name
Field Value The value in the external field


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