It is possible to configure certain Transport Forms to skip certain control points in the path, based on the following fields.

  • Transport form group
  • Transport form type
  • Task group
  • Task type
  • Task priority
  • Any custom fields

Example scenarios of where this functionality might be useful include where you do not require Merge BAU transports to be approved through every step of your Project landscape process, or similarly, where you do not want Maintenance changes to skip certain control points because they do not need the same level of approval as other changes being delivered.

Configuration of Control Point Skipping

The configuration of the skip capability is done within the TE Domain Controller backend, and is a two step exercise:

1. Switching on the Skip user exit by adding a row in table /BTI/TE_EXITC for */BTI/TE_EXIT_SAMPLE_0710 *

(You can either use this sample FM in /BTI/TE_EXITC or create a Z version)

2. Setting up the skipping you require in your process via configuration table /BTI/TE_SKIPCP

(by adding rows for the relevant task/form fields that you want to skip CPs for along with the targets/locations)

Please note the following information when configuring /BTI/TE_SKIPCP

  • Class = either REQUEST or TASK
  • Field = either GROUPID or TYPEID or PRIORITY (or the custom field number if you have checked the CUSTOMFIELD flag)
  • ID = long serial no. for Group ID or Type ID, taken from table /BTI/TE_GROUPS or /TE_TYPE, Priority will equal 1,2,3,4
  • Target = Target ID from within TE Windows GUI
  • Location = the following naming convention properties I = Inbox Q = Import Queue T = Test Queue O = Outbox


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