ActiveControl includes the ability to control which functions users are able to access and which objects are visible to the user when they log into the GUI.

Basic authorisations

Basic authorisation to the ActiveControl application for all users requires one of the following ActiveControl roles to be assigned:

Role Name Description
/BTI/TE:CTS_USER This role contains all of the basic authorisations that are required to log into ActiveControl application and needs to be assigned to every ActiveControl user.
/BTI/TE:CTS_ADMIN_USER This role contains all of the basic authorisations that are required to use the application, plus some ActiveControl and SAP standard authorisations required for actions aimed more at Basis and Configuration users of ActiveControl.

Standard Single/Composite Roles

In addition the aforementioned basic authorisations, ActiveControl includes a set of standard out-of-the-box single and composite roles that can be assigned to users in the domain controller. A separate Roles Matrix describing each of these standard roles in detail is available on request, but in summary

Composite Role Description
/BTI/TE:STD_VIEW_ROLE The standard role for view only access to ActiveControl. This contains:
/BTI/TE:STD_DEVELOPER_ROLE The standard developer role for creating and maintaining Transport Forms and tasks. This contains:
/BTI/TE:STD_PLANNER_ROLE The standard role when using the planning functionality within ActiveControl and executing planning steps. This contains:
/BTI/TE:STD_TEAM_LEAD_ROLE The standard role for team leaders and approvers in ActiveControl. This contains:
/BTI/TE:STD_TESTER_ROLE The standard role for testers in ActiveControl. This contains:
/BTI/TE:STD_CHANGE_TEAM_ROLE The standard role for change teams. This contains:
/BTI/TE:STD_PROJECT_MGR_ROLE The standard role for project managers. This contains:
/BTI/TE:STD_BASIS_ROLE The standard role for transport maintenance, import and error handling. This contains:
/BTI/TE:STD_ADMIN_ROLE The standard role for configuration and administration access to ActiveControl. This contains:

Approvals and Test Results Entry Authorisations

To control approvals and test results entry / approval for non-administrators the following activities can be allocated to users.

Activity Authorisation Object Description
APPROVEALL Y_TEUSER Allows approvals to be processed in all locations in ActiveControl. Overrides the approvers configured in the target system inbox and outbox approvers
TESTALL Y_TEUSER Allows test results entry and “Save and Approve” to be processed in all locations in ActiveControl. Overrides the testers allocated to the tasks
TESTAPPROVE Y_TE_TASK Must be allocated to users needing to perform a “Save and Approve” during test results entry

Legacy Authorisation concept

In earlier versions of ActiveControl, the user authorisations was far less granular. For clients that wish to continue using the legacy authorisations concept, which broadly grouped users into Administrators and non-administrators, ActiveControl still comes with the following two compatibility roles:

/BTI/TE:COMP_ADMIN_ROLE This role should be assigned to all users that currently have Administrator access
/BTI/TE:COMP_STD_USER_ROLE This role should be assigned to all other users

Once assigned to users, these roles will give people the same Activity Authorisations as they had in earlier versions of ActiveControl.


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