Various optional configuration tables are also available for the Web UI. For most ActiveControl implementations, these do not need to be utilised.

/BTI/TE_WEBUICFG General web UI parameters / config table
Field Description
TE_USERPIC Name of user picture (/BTI/TE_WEBUI_USER_PIC_TE)
USERPIC_PREFIX Name of user picture prefix. In order to show user pictures in the web UI the images need to be uploaded and stored on the Domain Controller via transaction SMW0.
Choose option “Binary data for WebRFC applications” option. Each user will require an entry with an uploaded user picture and a naming convention should be used so they all have the same prefix ((e.g. ZTE_WEBUI_USER_PIC_). It is mandatory that the user ID follows the name prefix otherwise the user pictures cannot be located by ActiveControl
E.g. for user TEUSER it would need to be ZTE_WEBUI_USER_PIC_TEUSER
USERPIC_URLPREFX URL prefix for user picture (/bti/te_web_services?action=GETUSERPICTURE&uname=)
DEFAULT_ROLEID ID of the Role to be used for all users if one is not allocated individually in /BTI/TE_USERPREF
Role ID 00000000000000000000 (Default Web User Role) is delivered as standard.
TASKOWNER_ROLEID ID of the Role to be used to default the task owner. Based on the user roles defined in /BTI/TE_ROLEU in the ActiveControl config “User Roles” tab.
A “Task Owner” role could be specified and attached to each ActiveControl Business Task. This can then be configured in this field for use in the web UI.
If a role is specified here this will be automatically attached to all tasks when they are created and assigned with the user who is creating the task.
The default tester of the task is designated as the task owner if not role is specified here to override this.
NUM_NEWSITEMS Number of news items to display in the “News” feed. The default is 50
NUM_RECENCTACT Number of items to display in the “My recent activity” feed. The default is 50
TL_GROUPBYID Default task list group by option for all users
EXCLUDE_COMPLETE Exclude tasks where the deployment status is “Deployment Complete” from the task metrics
INC_CURUSER_NEWS Include the current user activities in the “News” feed. If not set the logged in user activities will not be shown in the news as they can be viewed in the “My recent activity” feed anyway

/BTI/TE_USERPREF Web UI User preferences table
Field Description
UNAME User name
UIROLEID ID of the default role to be used for the user in the web UI. Based on the user roles defined in /BTI/TE_ROLEU in the ActiveControl config “User Roles” tab
If this is not specified, the role in /BTI/TE_WEBUICFG-DEFAULT_ROLEID will be used
DB_FILTERID Last selected filter on the Dashboard Overview screen (auto populated by ActiveControl)
DB_PROJECTID Last selected project on the Dashboard Overview screen (auto populated by ActiveControl)
PM_FILTERID Last selected filter on the Dashboard Projects screen (auto populated by ActiveControl)
PM_PROJECTID Last selected project on the Dashboard Projects screen (auto populated by ActiveControl)
TL_GROUPBYID Last selected group by on the Task List screen (auto populated by ActiveControl)

/BTI/TE_USERGRPS User groups table to allow users to be assigned to teams based on the task group
Field Description
UNAME User name
TASKGROUPID Task Group ID of the task group that the user is to be assigned to. This will then associate all tasks that have this group to the user’s team

/BTI/TE_ROLEACT Role actions table to link the user roles to the default actions
Field Description
ROLEID ID of the role to be used. Based on the user roles defined in /BTI/TE_ROLEU in the ActiveControl config “User Roles” tab. Entries for Role ID 00000000000000000000 (Default Web User Role) are delivered as standard and can be copied to create further roles
ACTIONID The Action Id of the actions to be assigned and displayed for the user role
SEQUENCE The sequence the actions should be displayed in

/BTI/TE_ROLEMET Role metrics table to link the user roles to the default metrics
Field Description
ROLEID ID of the role to be used. Based on the user roles defined in /BTI/TE_ROLEU (via ActiveControl configuration screen “User Roles” tab
Entries for Role ID 00000000000000000000 (Default Web User Role) are delivered as standard and can be copied to create further roles
METRICID The Metric Id of the metrics to be assigned and displayed for the user role
SEQUENCE The sequence the metrics should be displayed in


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