ActiveControl includes a Web UI that allows access to key functionality via a web browser such as Internet Explorer and Chrome. The ActiveControl Web UI provides a dashboard based overview of projects and items requiring action, allowing individual users with a means of easily identifying their own current workload within the tool.

Users with the appropriate authorisations are able to access the following functionalities within the Web Interface:

  • Ability to create SAP transports.
  • Ability to create and maintain Transport Forms, Business Tasks and Projects.
  • Ability to search for Business Tasks and Transports
  • Ability to run ActiveControl Reports
  • Visibility and analysis / approval / rejection of items that require your approval
  • Visibility and test results entry of items that require your testing
  • Visibility of tasks for your team / project
  • Visibility of RAG status for Projects milestone phases
  • Ability to follow specific Business Tasks, Transports and SAP Objects.
  • A news feed to show recent events in ActiveControl – ie activity performed both the user, and by other people.

Figure: ActiveControl Web UI


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