Check Date (0012) checks gets a unique list of tasks relating to the analysed transport requests and then checks the date contained in the specified custom field against the system date. The custom field date is compared to the system date based on the specified operator and if the comparison is true a message is issued stating that the change is not yet ready for deployment.


Parameter Description
ANALYSISCAPTION Allows the analysis caption to be overridden. Enter the required text up to 100 characters. This text will appear in the analysis results.
ERRORIFNOTSET If the valid to date is not set then display an error.
IGNOREURGENT Ignore check if task priority is set to Urgent.
OPERATOR Date comparison operator. Valid values: >, <, >=, <=, =, <>
TASKFIELDTEXTID Custom field text ID for date (from /BTI/TE_CUSTF)


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