Numerous other important ActiveControl configuration options are available on the [Other] tab in the Windows GUI configuration screen. These are all global configuration options that impact all usage of the product.

Option Description
Require Transport Forms to be assigned to related tasks When a Transport Form is completed for a transport request, it is always possible to assign the transport request to one or more Business Tasks, such as a request for a new report or a logged production support problem. Business Tasks provide greater visibility of related transport requests and associate technical changes with business requirements. Business Tasks are necessary if test results are to be entered.
Enable this option to prevent a Transport Form from being saved if the related tasks section has not been maintained.
Allow team members to delete Transport Forms of transport requests that have been imported By default, in order to avoid losing transport history, only an administrator may delete the Transport Form of a transport request if the transport request has already been imported into some target systems. Enable this option to override this behaviour.
Configured testers only to complete testing When this option is enabled ActiveControl will only allow users allocated as testers in the Business Task to “Save and Approve” testing. This will also validate testers assigned to specific systems and system roles. If not set anyone can complete the testing for a Business Task.
Note: In all cases users must be allocated with the TESTAPPROVE activity (Authorisation Object: Y_TE_TASK – Task Activities) to allow them to “Save and Approve” testing.
Enable “Add to Control Point” function This option switches on the “Add to Control Point” functionality that allows Transport Forms to be assigned to control points in the transport path. This can be an inbox, outbox or test queue as required.
This is used when a re-approval is required for the relevant transports.
Cache remote transport data This option enables the caching function that stores details of remote transports on the domain controller. This means that ActiveControl does not have to make RFC calls to the remote systems to obtain the transport data.
Performance is therefore improved when accessing transport requests without a Transport Form and also when viewing transports in control points.
Note: Once switched on the ActiveControl GUI will need to be closed and re-started for the caching to take effect.
Hide Transport originating in ‘hidden’ systems This option will not show transports if the target is set as hidden
Request password re-entry on Approval This option allows ActiveControl customers to specify whether password must be re-entered during any approval, for increased security. This is of particular interest in an FDA or Sarbanes-Oxley compliance perspective at some customers. When switched on, every Inbox and Outbox approval will requires a password confirmation.
Automatically delete from STMS import queue after transport import This option can be used by customers that do not want to leave the SAP transports in the STMS import queue after they have been imported via ActiveControl.
Auto-generate Task Reference with prefix: This is useful for customers that do not use another Change Management ticketing tool, and are looking for
a way to generate a unique identifier for each Business Task within ActiveControl. It is possible to configure a 3-character prefix for the sequential number.
Require reason on transport Approve/Import Anyway This option can be used to force approvers to enter a reason when the ‘Approve Anyway’ button is clicked on the Analysis Results warning screen.
Default “Allow Progress when incomplete” for new manual steps This option can be used to ensure that the corresponding option on a new Manual Step is always ticked.
Warn if “Allow Progress” unchanged This option can be used to warn the Manual Step creator if they have not updated the flag.
Prepopoulate Type, Group, Path in new Transport Forms from last used value This option can be used for customers that do not want the Transport Form fields to be pre-populated with the last values that the user entered.

Analysis Mode

Option Description
Analysis Mode Select whether you want to:

(i) Disable cross path conflict checks.

(ii) Enable cross path conflict checks for non-hidden Targets.

(iii) Enable cross path conflict check for all Targets.

This is where you specify whether you want the Conflict Analysis Checks to only look down the path in which you are doing the analysis, or alternatively analyse all paths (based on the system you are in and its allocated target role etc). The default value (and generally what it should be set-to for most customers) is: “Enable cross-path conflict checks for all targets”. This ensures that any conflicts are picked up in the situation where multiple transport paths are being used by an ActiveControl customer for the same SAP system, and also when a user has manually set cross-system/path dependencies (e.g. a BW transport on an ECC transport etc.).

Customers that have a lot of hidden/legacy systems/paths set up in ActiveControl might want to exclude the hidden systems to help the performance of the analysis checks, but as a general rule, no customer should ever really need to disable the cross path conflict checks completely.

Task Statuses

Option Description
Planning Status Calculation If more than one planning status could be applied to a task, this configures which one the system should assign. Either the one with the earliest sequence or the one with the latest sequence.
Deployment Status Calculation If more than one deployment status could be applied to a task, this configures which one the system should assign. Either the one with the earliest sequence or the one with the latest sequence.

Non-SAP Deployment and Manual Activities

Option Description
Non-SAP Deployment and Manual Activities Specify what system where empty ‘dummy’ transports for Manual Activities are created. These transports will not be imported anywhere.


Option Description
Currency Allows ActiveControl customers to specify the primary reporting currency within the organisation, for some optional meta-data / reporting.


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