Changes have been made to the productivity report to ensure clearer reporting and enable more accurate times and statistics.

The selection screen has been updated to enable to choose a organizational unit or position instead of only choosing from a range of agent IDs.

The department drop down selects a single organization unit to select from. If an entry is chosen, the report will select all agents related to the organizational unit and any associated objects under this.

The position/team drop down enables the report to be run for the specific agents assigned to that position.

The transformation program selection screen has also been updated with new filter options:

Show training work only
This filters cases without the training flag set.

Hide training work:
Any cases with the training flag will be hidden.

If neither option is set all the cases will be displayed, both training and not training work.

The productivity report has been updated to include additional fields.
• Active pause
• Inactive pause
• Worked time
• Logged on time (Total Time)
• Idle time
• Active %
• Training Work

Calculations of data

Active and Inactive Pause Time
The active and inactive pause time will be calculated by the pause reasons.
Pause reasons can be configured as either active or inactive pause time.
When adding inactive pause reasons, the Action ID should start OFFLINE*, for active pause reasons the Action ID should start with ACTIVE*.

Active pause time will contribute towards the user productive time.

Total Time
Total time in the report has been changed to calculate the total log in time. This is derived by getting all the LOG* actions from the activity log for the date period and looking at each users’ logs. The delta is calculated between the log out and log on times and aggregated to get the total log in time for the user. This time is then divided equally across the entries in the report for that user to provide a log on time for each line in the productivity report.

Worked Time
Time spent actively working on cases is classified as worked time.

Active %
The active % is calculated by the productive time divided by the log on time * 100. This will indicate the amount of time the user has spent carrying out value add activities.

Training Work
Training work flag has been added to distinguish between work completed vs training work completed.

Productive Time
This is total of worked time and active pause time.

Productive %
This has not changed. This is calculated by the estimated handle time divided by the worked time and * 100 to convert into a percentage.

Idle Time
This is calculated by total time – productive time. To derive the idle time, we are looking at how long the user is logged on and how long of the log on time was spent working productively.
Training Work
If cases are assigned to users as training, then worked (actions are carried out for the case) the flag will be set in the report.


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