When the automated testing cycle completes, Gitlab will need to report back to ActiveControl whether the testing was a Pass or Fail.

Typically the following activities will happen as part of Gitlab automated testing Inbound integration:

1. GitLab pipeline gathers a single pass/fail result from all of the Tosca Execution Lists from all of the transport forms.
2. GitLab pipeline sends HTTP Post call to the ActiveControl server.

a. https://docs.basistechnologies.com/integration-administration-guides/0.7/en/topic/save-business-task-result

b. queryresultsfile – see information below

c. attachement – this can be a .url file that contains the url to the detailed Tosca results described in step 2.

queryresultsfile example

Following screenshot shows an example of the queryresultsfile form data parameter. This can be string data and not an actual file.

– can be found in /BTI/TE_TARG table in the ActiveControl server.
– X is the standard true value in SAP. If there was a failure, leave blank.
– The overall status message. This is saved in the Business Task Test Result.


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