The integration framework can also take into account value conversions. For instance where a value in ActiveControl could equal one thing maybe its corresponding value in an external system could be different although they both mean the same thing. BTI/TE_INT_CONV is used to map the two values together and address these issues; the conversion can happen either way, which means that the fields can contain either ActiveControl or the 3rd Party ITSM value.

Field Explanation of Field
EXTSYS_NO Integration system number [from /BTI/TE_INT_SYST]
EXTSYS_NAME External System Name [from /BTI/TE_INT_SYST]
EXTERNAL_REF Field Reference
EXTFLD_ID External System Field ID. This is the External System field value that the conversion needs to take place on.
EXTFLD_VAL External System Field Value. This is the converted value that needs to be fed into the integrated system (or AC)

Groups: GUIDs from /BTI/TE_GROUPS
Types: GUIDs from /BTI/TE_TYPE
Priority: Low = 1, Normal =2, High = 3, Emergency=4
Project: GUID from /BTI/TE_PROJ

Example Customer Configuration

The below illustrates some example configuration of /BTI/TE_INT_CONV table at a customer implementation of the ActiveControl ChaRM integration.

Figure: Example customer configuration of /BTI/TE_INT_CONV


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