The following bugs have been addressed in the Testimony v2.30 release. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of bug fixes, it is purely intended as a summary of the main issues reported by existing customers in the most commonly used areas of the tool.

Testimony Functionality Bug that has been fixed
Playback Summary Generation At the end of a playback, the playback summary was not being automatically generated. This is now resolved.
Editing Defect comments A fix was implemented for editing defect comments that sometimes threw an exception.
Progress in bot monitoring UI A minor fix to the progress indicator when refreshing the bot monitoring grid.
Prevent multiple bot instances The bot executable could previously be started up on the same machine under the same Windows user leading to anomalies in the playback. This has now been prevented.
Resuming after midnight boundary When not enough time was left in the playback prior to midnight, the playback could not be resumed since it would immediately pause again. This is now resolved.
Scripts incorrectly run on next day In some cases, scripts were incorrectly run on the following day after the midnight boundary was reached. This no longer happens.
Step level suppressions created defectsl Step level suppressions are now correctly set to a state of passed and will no longer create defects.
Missing authorization prep step failure A missing authorization object in the default provided role /BTI/AUT_SOURCE_RFC was causing a preparation step to fail. This is now resolved.


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