A recording can be aborted manually in two ways as below:
1. Manually via Testimony on the central system using the stop button in the Shared Memory Explorer. The popup as below appears with options before you execute the abort of the recording.
2. Manually directly on the source system via the transaction /BTI/AUT_ABORT_REC or program /BTI/AUT_ABORT_REC in SE38. This option is helpful if there is an issue with the RFC connection between the central and source system.
The manual operation of an abort has additional options that can be selected which include:
- Making the enhancements inactive (this stops data being recorded into shared memory)
- The recording job saving the data to the DB is cancelled (Job name is /BTI/AUT_SAVE_BTRAN_PERIODIC)
- The /BTI/ DB tables have their data deleted/purged
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