From the Active Analysis Runs screen you can see runs which are:

  1. Pending
  2. Processing
  3. Aborted
  4. Error

This is the first state, and would be seen when the Analysis Run is waiting for background processors to become available.


You can see, during the processing, the percentage completed and which stage is currently in progress.

Impact Analysis
Usage Data Retrieval
Failure Prediction Analysis

During this stage you can Abort the Analysis Run.
NOTE: You cannot resume an Aborted run and would need to restart it from scratch.

If you decide to Abort, ActiveDiscover will attempt to halt the active job.
If no job is found, there will be a notification, and the job will remain in a Processing state.

Aborted runs will remain until a user with Adminstrator priveleges cleans them up or a period/time-out trigger causes them to be removed automatically. This is set at 30 days. Older runs would be less accurate and are best deleted to free up space and ensure precise risk scores are used.
The Administrator would manually delete the Aborted runs line by line, there is no separate tool to bulk-delete.


If an error is encountered during processing it will show as Error. You can click on the Error word to see more detail.

You can attempt to fix the problem and click Restart to resume processing.


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