The restriction of certain activities within ActiveDiscover is imperative to prevent misuse, proliferation of landscapes, and to properly manage the housekeeping.


Central System

The roles delivered with the ActiveDiscover transports are:

  • /BTI/PX_ADMINISTRATOR: Admin role, can do everything. Assign this role to all Administrators.
  • /BTI/PX_DISPLAY: Display only, cannot run an analysis.
  • /BTI/PX_ANALYSIS_CONTROL: Can create, run, and abort analysis runs (+display).
  • /BTI/PX_RFC: Technical RFC role for source and reference systems — you’ll mainly need this one for the test, when setting up RFC destinations.
  • /BTR/DIF:EXPERT: All access to Diffuser related transactions — assign to Administrators.

Assign /BTI/PX_DISPLAY and /BTI/PX_ANALYSIS_CONTROL role to General Users.

You may reuse these roles as reference if your internal policy requires.

Transaction PFCG will allow the generation and allocation of the roles.

Source and Reference Systems

  • /BTI/PX_RFC: Technical RFC role for source and reference systems — you’ll mainly need this one for the test, when setting up RFC destinations.
  • /BTR/DIF:EXPERT: All access to Diffuser related transactions — needed for Diffuser setup in source systems.


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