Partner: This is the Business Partner number for the individual customer.

Partner/Customer Name: This is the Business Partner name for the individual customer.

Contract Account: This is the Contract Account number that relates to the Business Partner number.

Contract: This is the Contract number that relates to the Contract Account number.

Current Milestone: This is the last successful invoicing step completed for the contract.This is the latest milestone retrieved when the BLADE report was last run.

Previous Milestone: This is the last successful invoicing step completed for the contract. This is the milestone before the Current Milestone retrieved.

Date added to Blade: Date on which the record was first added to Blade for the Current Milestone.

Date Cleared: Date on which the record was removed from Blade.

Count Added: This is always 1. And is useful to sum up and see the total number of records.

Count Removed: This is always 1. And is useful to sum up and see the total number of records.


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