1. Enabling the watched items options
Options 73- 76 can be enabled/deactivated in the BDEx options, either via the table /BTI/MDE_C_OPT as a global setting or the option preference can be changed to Profile to set this for each BDEx profile and maintained via the BDEx Profile Manager /BTI/MDE_PROF_MGR.
2. Configuring the Email Fields:
The email body’s preconfigured fields for options: 73,74, 75 and 76 can be customized to meet the requirements of the customer. For instance, it is possible to remove any references to a field that is not present in the customer system.
To remove this field from the email body of all configurable emails take the following steps;
a) From SM30 enter the maintenance mode for table /BTI/MDE_C_OUTTF
b) Find the field you wish to not display
c) Click the “inactive” column
d) Save
3. Configuring which notes appear in the Email
Notes can be configured by date range and maximum lines.
a) From SM30 enter the maintenance mode for table /BTI/MDE_C_WNOTE
b) Choose the template you wish to configure and adjust the entries
c) The date range indicates how many days back the notes will be retrieved. The recommended maximum is 30
d) The Max Lines indicates the maximum number of lines from notes that can be retrieved. The recommended maximum is 100
4. Service Order watchlist email for Completed/Cancelled / Incomplete status Option 76
Follow the below steps to get the service order email:
- Activate option 76 in BDEx options table see section 1 above.
- Configure table /BTI/MDE_C_WUSRS
Field definitions:
HTML Template Names – this should only include the template created for service orders:
Statprof – This would be the name of the status profile used in your system from the SAP configuration
UsrSt – the user status values from the status profile which should trigger the email notification
Active – this will turn the notification on when checked.
- An e-mail will be sent for statuses that have been maintained in table BTI/MDE_C_WUSRS. (e.g. ICMP – incomplete CMPL – complete, CANC – cancelled)
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