1: Switch to the OS time mode:
Start the system with the environment variable “HDB_TIMER=system”
In case that the systems are running in the cloud for SAP HANA 2.0 SP04 set the following parameters using HANA Studio->SQL Console SAP HANA System Database (Multi Tenant or Single Tenant configuration)
ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION ('nameserver.ini', 'SYSTEM' ) SET ('delta', 'preallocated_nodebuffers') = '1' WITH RECONFIGURE
ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION ('indexserver.ini', 'SYSTEM' ) SET ('delta', 'preallocated_nodebuffers') = '1' WITH RECONFIGURE
SAP HANA on each Tenant Database
ALTER SYSTEM ALTER CONFIGURATION ('indexserver.ini', 'SYSTEM' ) SET ('delta', 'preallocated_nodebuffers') = '1' WITH RECONFIGURE
2: Startup the SAP HANA Database and Application server using the current time (normal operation)
If applicable: Set the snc/enable = 0 (default) SAP parameter (i.e.tcode RZ11) The Testimony RFC connection should have SNC set to innactive (under the Logon & Security tabel) In the SAP GUI -> Connections -> Edit -> Network Activate the Secure Network Communication -> tick box SNC logon with user/password (no Single Sign On) -> tick box
3: Shutdown both the SAP Application Server and the HANA Database Server
4: Shift time for SIDADM (for the two OS users responsible for the Database Server and the Application Server)
Ensure this is carried out on both SAP Application Server and the Database Server
5: Start the SAP HANA database
Check that the HANA DB services are running (HANA Studio > Landscape and HANA Studio > Performance or unix: #pd -ef | grep hdb) Check for errors (HANA Studio -> Alerts & HANA Studio -> Diagnosis Files)
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