Basis Technologies’ Diffuser provides a framework and run-time environment for custom developed SAP reports that must work with large volumes of a program running this we call a Z Accelerator. It provides for use of multiple processors with custom reports such that these programs can run within acceptable time constraints to deliver timelier business information.
Z Accelerators can be easily developed using the standard SAP ABAP Workbench. The Z Accelerators methodology guides the developer, by making them adhere to a structured program design and standardized technical program structure that separates data processing logic from presentation logic. For each Z Accelerator, there are three main components that need to be set up. This refers to the Diffuser definition and also two programs in the ABAP repository for each Z Accelerator, these three components are:
- Main Program – This ABAP program retrieves data from the database, processes this information and then stores the data
- Transformation Program – This ABAP program retrieves the data that was processed in the main program and presents this to the user
- Diffuser Definition – This defines the name of the technical components of each Z Accelerator, as well as a number of other settings relevant to using the Diffuser
This guide will take you firstly through the Basic concepts of using Z Accelerators and then get you started on how to develop your own Z Accelerators. This will allow you to write ABAP reports that process large volumes of data in your SAP system.
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