A target system is a system that you want to playback the recording on. In the early stages of the installation on sandbox or development systems you might be operating with the source and target as the same system, however, it is best practice to complete the setup as below as if the source and target were separate systems.
Follow the steps below to ensure Testimony is correctly installed on the target system.
# | Activity | Details |
1 | Install Testimony into Target System | Install the transports specified for the target system provided by Basis Technologies into your target system, this is the system that you want to playback into Note that the transports can cause short dumps for users if they are using the system at the time of the import. It is therefore important that the transports are imported when there is little or no activity taking place on the system. |
2 | Regenerate delivered roles | Goto transaction PFCG, find the /BTI/* roles and ensure the profiles are generated. If they are not then generate them manually |
3 | Create Target RFC User | Create a system user with the role /BTI/AUT_TARGET_RFC (ensure role profile is generated) This user is for the RFC destination defined in the central system. While setting up bots for the first time you should also use the role /BTI/AUT_BOT_SIMULATION This is an optional Role that is only required for the BOT Simulation Program. This role provides authorisations for creating Users, assigning Roles to Users and Deleting Users, which is required during the Bot Simulation and can be removed after the simulation is complete. Checking the RFC setup with the user at this point is best practice. |
4 | Meta Data RFC User | Create a system user with the role /BTI/AUT_NCO_METADATA_ACCESS (ensure role profile is generated). This user is for playing back RFCs and collecting the meta data to ensure that they operate correctly. The suggested user name is /BTI/AUT_RFM although this can be changed in the General Parameters. |
5 | Batch Job User | Create a user with the role /BTI/AUT_BATCH_ADMIN (ensure role profile is generated). Before starting the playback, Testimony will verify the validity and existence of users that are present as creators of batch jobs in the recording data. If one of these users fails this check (i.e. because the user doesn’t exist or is not valid), Testimony will use the default batch job user to execute the batch job. We would suggest configuring the default batch user in the General Parameters. The suggested user name is /BTI/AUT_BTC although this can be changed in the General Parameters. |
6 | Enhancement Activation Program | After transports are deployed to the system the program /BTI/AUT_ENH_MANAGEMENT must be run before enhancements can be activated for recording or playback. The program should be run as per the standard selection screen with test mode not selected. Note this is a one off activity after the first installation |
The following parameters should have been completed in the prerequisites, however, these should be double checked to ensure installation is correct.
# | Profile Parameter | System | Details |
1 | sapgui/user_scripting | Target | This value needs to be TRUE which allows the bots to perform the playback properly. Only in playback system. |
2 | sapgui/user_scripting_per_user | Target | This value needs to be FALSE which allows the bots to perform the playback properly. Only in playback system. |
3 | sapgui/user_scripting_set_readonly | Target | This value needs to be FALSE which allows the bots to perform the playback properly. Only in playback system. |
4 | login/disable_password_logon | Target | This value needs to be 0 which allows the bots to login to the playback system. Only in playback system. |
5 | login/disable_multi_gui_login | Target | This value needs to be 0 this allows multiple logons. Only in playback system. |
6 | rdisp/tm_max_no | Target | As Testimony will be logging on with the user load from the source (which could be production) this should be the source setting +50% Only in playback system. |
7 | rdisp/gui_auto_logout | Target | This value needs to be 0. This ensures that the bots and their logged on users cannot be automatically logged off by the user due to time-limits (for example, if the playback is paused or other issues arise) |
8 | rdisp/max_wprun_time | Target | Ensure this value is at least the value set in the production system |
9 | abap/buffersize | Target | Ensure this value is at least the value set in the production system |
10 | ztta/parameter_area | Target | This value needs to be at least 64000. The value checked can be adjusted by changing PLAYBACK_PARAM_AREA in the General Parameters. Only in playback system. |
11 | snc/enable | Target | This value needs to be 0 this is required where TimeShiftX is being operated. Only in playback system. |
Note that if you have questions on the user scripting actions then the SAP documentation for this is here.
System Copies
While for the first few playbacks there won’t be any need to copy the source system to the target system, when progressing to copying the source system to the target then you should adjust your current system copy process considering the steps documented here.
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