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Customer Usage

Product Screens / Functions » Utilities » Customer Usage

Purpose Customer usage allows you to understand the most commonly used objects in a customers system at an aggregate level in order to understand coverage, priority and exclusion configuration.

Usage Retrieval

Administrators Guide » Analyzing Coverage » Usage Retrieval

Introduction The first step in the coverage analysis process is to retrieve the usage data from the source system. In this step, Testimony will connect to the source system and retrieve workload statistics data (from the ST03N repository) for a period that you…

Coverage Analysis

Product Screens / Functions » Execution Functions » Coverage Analysis

Purpose The recording process has effectively generated an entire test script library covering over N% of the customers actual SAP system usage (where N would be expected to range from 70% to 90%). After the recording process is finished, the testing team can…


Administrators Guide » Analyzing Coverage » Prioritization

Introduction The next step is to prioritise the transactions, batch jobs, etc. that have been retrieved from the source system. Testimony prioritises the usage data as follows: First of all, it prioritises by frequency of execution in the source system. The most…

Analyzing Coverage

Administrators Guide » Analyzing Coverage

Overview A Testimony recording generates, from real-life activity, an entire test script library which covers a high percentage of your actual SAP system usage. How big a percentage this is (i.e., the coverage you have achieved) depends firstly on the length of the…

Technical Overview

Product Overview » Technical Overview

The following steps provide an overview at a more technical level of how the Testimony product operates. Installation Process Testimony is installed as a third-party add-on solution to a central ABAP system (typically your SAP Solution Manager system). Transports…

Shared Memory Explorer

Administrators Guide » Performing a Recording » Monitoring a Recording » Shared Memory Explorer

Overview Shared memory is used by Testimony to achieve near zero impact upon the production systems during the recording phase. Therefore, it is important to be able to monitor the shared memory in the system being recorded, This can be achieved in the source system…

Coverage Analysis

Administrators Guide » Analyzing Coverage » Coverage Analysis

Introduction Now that the usage information has been retrieved from the source system and the prioritisation run as completed, you can run the coverage analysis proper. The coverage analysis run will compare the transaction volumes captured in your recording (by…

Monitoring a Recording

Administrators Guide » Performing a Recording » Monitoring a Recording

Overview During the recording phase, which may last for any length of time, it is important whilst you become accustomed to Testimony that you monitor the production systems that are being recorded. There are various standard SAP tools that can be used to monitor the…

SAP Roles

Administrators Guide » Security » SAP Roles

Testimony is delivered with the following SAP authorization roles: Role Name Description /BTI/AUT_BATCH_ADMIN Background Processing Administrator Role for the Default Batch User during playback /BTI/AUT_BOT_RFC Authorizations…

Change Plan

Product Screens / Functions » Overview Functions » Change Plan

Purpose This screen enables all facets of the current Test Plan to be changed. Changes can be made on the respective tab for the header information, the source and target systems and their mapping, the test phases/cycles plus users involved in this particular…



Bot The bot is an executable program that resides on a windows machine (normally a virtual machine). During playback the bot machines log on as the recorded users and execute the recorded transactions. The requirements for bot setup can be found here. Central…