ActiveControl has offered a ChaRM integration since 2018 (ActiveControl 7.20), whereby SAP customers that had already implemented SAP ChaRM could also benefit from ActiveControl functionality such as Merge and ShiftLeft. This integration has been implemented several times with customers.
Part of the existing Integration allows an Inbox/Outbox approval to be automatically triggered via a ChaRM Change Request (CR) status move.
ActiveControl 8.50 enhances this on the back of a Customer request, so that the approval can now alternatively be triggered via an individual Change Document (CD) status move.
Configuration Steps
Please refer to seperate ChaRM integration guide for details on how to setup the ActiveControl/ChaRM integration. It should be noted that this Integration requires additional transports that are seperate from the main ActiveControl software transports. It should also be anticipated that some Basis Technologies consulting services will be required to support new customers setup the ChaRM integration.
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