Configuration tables required to be updated are:

  • /BTI/MDE_C_OPT – Options table
  • /BTI/MDE_C_MANWR – Manual Work Reasons
  • /BTI/MDE_C_MANW – Manual Work Tracker
  • /BTI/MDE_C_WRCLS – Work Request Classes
  • /BTI/MDE_C_WRRES – Work Request Resolution Times

Manual work items need to be activated in the options table /BTI/MDE_C_OPT to enable the button to be displayed in the Dynamic Work Center to add these tasks.

Option ID 46 – Manual Work Tracker

This turns on the option to see the Manual Work Tracker button in the Dynamic Work Center and activates it.

Option ID 48 – Manual Work Tracker – Minimum task time in seconds

This option enables you to set a default task time preventing a user from adding too many cases in a short period. For example if the value here is 5 and I add 12 cases I can not submit my time until at least 1 minute has passed. This option is to prevent over inflation of stats or incorrect volume of work being submitted.

Option 52 – Log out idle time when in Manual Work Tracker

For those customers using Log out idle you must set a log out idle time when the user is in the Manual Work Tracker. This will prevent the user being logged out of BDEx as idle if they are in another system or have not triggered an action in time for the idle job to log them out of BDEx.

Manual Work Task Reasons

The manual work tasks are configured in table /BTI/MDE_C_MANWR. In this table you can add the task code and description which is used to determine the reason for the manual work task.

Manual Work Tasks Assignments

Once the tasks have been set up the organization units/positions or users can be assigned to the tasks to determine who can add a certain task. This is defined in table /BTI/MDE_C_MANW

In this table you can add the object type and ID and assign the task code to this. Acceptable Object Types are O – Organizational Unit, S – Position and US – User.
The Allow – Edit if = X means the user can update the description and add their note to the task. The task code remains unchanged so that the codes can be used for reporting.

Manual Work – Work Request in DWC

In addition in order to save resolution times for these tasks the task needs to be added as a Work Request to use in the Productivity Report an entry must exist in table /BTI/MDE_C_WRCLS as follows:

Manual Work Resolution Times

Once the new class is added you can add the work request ISU_MANW and task into the work request resolution table /BTI/MDE_C_WRRES to save the resolution times for each task.


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