As a pre-cursor to ramping up outbound RFC service virtualization, v2.21 has a built-in analysis program that lets you analyze your production (source) systems outbound RFC calls.
It is important for us to know the following about your system before deciding on whether we can support your outbound RFC service virtualization aspirations:
- Which RFC’s are called?
- Via which RFC destinations?
- When and with what volumes?
- To which systems are these calls made?
- Are those external systems SAP servers?
- Are we able to request additional information from those external systems?
To gather the answers to the above questions, a new program has been created that interrogates your systems usage data and prepares the above information.
The program is called /BTI/AUT_ORFC_STAT_COLLECT. and must be run upon the central system only. You specify the STAD data parameters that are to be analyzed including the time period of analysis.
Once the program has been executed, the results can be seen in the output. However, a more user friendly version of this is available within the “Outbound RFC Setup” section of the “Recording” sub-menu.
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