Accessing the Web Platform from a Browser

The Web Platform is accessed from a browser using the following URL:


Where “HOSTNAME” is the hostname where the Web Platform container is deployed.

Launching the Web Platform from the SAPGUI

The Web Platform can also be accessed by logging on to the Central System with the SAPGUI, and running transaction /n/BTI/WP_LAUNCH.

ActiveDiscover Home Page

The Home Page will show a set of tiles for accessing the various modules of ActiveDiscover:

The dropdown menu at the top-left of the screen contains a “Home” link to bring you back to this screen, as well as shortcuts to each of the tiles.

  1. My Completed Analysis Runs – The list of completed Impact Analysis Runs you have created yourself.
  2. My Active Analysis Runs – The list of active Impact Analysis Runs you have created yourself.
  3. My Favourite Analysis Runs – The list of completed Impact Analysis Runs you have flagged as Favourites.
  4. System Landscapes – This is where the Source and Target systems are defined and their configuration adjusted.
  5. Analysis Runs – This is where you will find the full list of Impact Analysis Runs you have created yourself, and those created by others, and where you can create a new Analysis Run.
  6. Settings – This is where you can View Activity Logs, Recover Deleted Analysis Runs, access License Key details, modify Advanced Settings and configure settings for Transformation Insight.
  7. Transformation Insight – This is where you will find the full list of Transformation Insight Runs you have created yourself, and those created by others, and where you can create a new Transformation Insight Run.


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