When a transport form is created, it will be moved to the relevant control point in TE.
If you are an approver for this task/transport, you will receive an e-mail from Transport Express telling you that there is a task/transport for you to approve.
Transport Express performs a General Analysis function that is automatically performed during approval and import. The general analysis includes all the standard analysis functions such as:
- Check Dependencies (0030):
Is there a dependency on another transport that has yet to be imported?
Is the transport form attached to a task but not all the requests in that task have been imported yet or are not being approved now?
- Overtake and Regression Checks (0031):
Does the transport contain an older version of any objects that have been previously imported into the target system?
Does the transport contain a newer version of any objects that also appear on older transports that have not yet been imported into the target system?
- Check Locked Transport Forms (0032):
Is the transport form locked?
- Check Authorisations (0033):
Is the user authorised to perform the approval?
- Check Transport Release (0034):
For import queues is the transport released?
- Conflict Analysis (0035):
Does the transport contain objects that have also been changed on the target system?
- Check Merge Origin (0036):
For merges check that the origin of the transports that make up the merge request is the same system
- Check Manual Steps (0037):
Is there a dependency on any manual steps that have not been marked as complete?
The General Analysis will also perform any other configured analysis types that have been marked as mandatory for that control point.
Prior to approval or import the tasks/transports can be analysed using the “Analyse” button. First highlight the items to be analysed or use CTRL-A to select all.
Individual analyses can be run one by one or the General Analysis can be run to check everything in one step:
During the analysis a progress monitor is displayed so the current status of the analysis process can be viewed:
If any issues are found a popup window will be displayed to warn the user:
In order to carry out the approval use the button:
Any analysis issues will be output in the popup window but if required the user can Approve Anyway if authorised to do so:
If a task is to be rejected the button can be used:
A reason for rejection and comment can be added:
The rejection will automatically lock all associated transport forms in the location where the rejection is processed.
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