The preparation program analyses all test scripts in the execution queue and creates a list of technical objects that will be compared between the source and the target.
Ensure the correct test plan has been selected and navigate to the Predictive Difference Analyzer on the Execution drawer of the Test Plan you wish to analyze.
Click on the Prepare button There are options for single thread or multi-thread via Diffuser.
Use the name for object comparison run field to give the run a name. Then select the execution queue and source and target systems to be used for this comparison.
The multi thread option can be used for large runs utilizing the technical settings button with an interval size of 1000 and selecting the number of batch jobs that are available.
The Advanced Options are for triggering a hard abort if either RFC/System Errors, or Internal Errors are seen. If set to 1 then the program will abort when these types of faults are encountered. If set to 0 then the processing will continue regardless.
Once this program has completed you can start the comparison phase.
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