Assignments to User Roles at Business Task and Project level has become increasingly popular within ActiveControl since the Rules Engine was introduced in ActiveControl 8.00.

Users can be assigned to Roles to serve several key purposes:

1) To trigger dynamic approvals at Business Task or Project Level.
2) To include the user on Custom Notifications.

Historically, the UX of the User Assignments screen was a little challenging as it was not easy to see which users had already been assigned. This was particularly noticeable in the case where there were several User Roles assigned to the Business Task or Project, as it resulted in the end user having to click manually between User Roles to see which users were assigned to each.

ActiveControl Web Platform improves the UX of the User Assignments aspect of ActiveControl, both in the assignment screen itself, and also subsequently in the main view, via a more tabular view of existing assignments. As a result, it is a lot easier to see which Users have been assigned to each User Roles than it was historically in ActiveControl WebUI or Windows GUI.

Figure: User Roles are now added first, and then Users are assigned to the User Roles via the Action Menu.


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