It is also possible to manage BTP (SAP Business Technology Platform) change via ActiveControl.
MTAR/ZIP files can be extracted from BTP, uploaded to a Transport Form, and then deployed via ActiveControl using cloudTMS (cTMS).
The benefits of doing this within ActiveControl are as follows:
1) Ensures BTP changes follow the same approval workflow and audit as any other SAP change.
2) Enables automation of the deployment of the BTP changes.
3) Enables any relevant sequencing of BTP changes with tranditional SAP changes that might be related.
Process for adding an MTAR / ZIP into ActiveControl.
- Step 1: Make change in BTP Dev subaccount and export MTAR or ZIP locally.
- Step 2: Create ‘Non-Transport Deployment’ Transport Form – using the process described in Manual Activities and Non-Transport Deployments to create the Transport Form for the change.
- Step 3: Attach the MTAR or ZIP to the Transport Form, against cTMS artifact document category.
- Step 4: Approve and Import the Transport Form as per the configured workflow. Performing Import in ActiveControl will deploy the change using cloudTMS.
Figure: Attaching an MTAR or ZIP file – to cTMS Artifact category
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