ActiveControl Merge process allows transports to be distributed from one transport path to another, to automate the ‘dual maintenance’ process which is required in multi-track SAP landscapes to keep parallel development tracks in sync.
The most common use case of Merge would be to align projects systems after Production Support (also known as Business As Usual within some organisations) changes have gone into production, so that testing in the Project systems is being performed on Production-like environments. Merge can also be used in other use cases such as ECC to S/4HANA migrations (to get the relevant ECC object changes into the new S/4HANA track) and in cloud migrations (to get changes made in the on-premise Development track into to the new cloud-hosted Development system for the duration of the migration)
There are four components that make up the overall Merge process within ActiveControl:
1. Inline Conflict Analysis
2. Conflict Analysis
3. Merge
4. Mark as Manually Applied
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