A Project Overview subscreen is seen on the Project screen.
This screen shows the inflight Business Tasks against the Project against the core ActiveControl metrics:
- Awaiting my Approvals [this should match what is seen in “My Approvals” app tile]
- Awaiting Testing [this should match what is seen in “My Testing” app tile]
- In Progress Changes for my Transports [this should match what is seen in “My Changes” app tile – My Changes subscreen. ]
- In Progress Changes for my Team [this should match what is seen in “My Changes” app tile – My Teams subscreen. ]
- My Incomplete Manual Items [this should match what is seen in “My Manual Items” app tile]
- In Progress Changes assigned to my Role [this should match what is seen in “My Changes” app tile – My Roles subscreen. ]
Clicking on one of the links will take user to screen where they can see the details of the Business Tasks (and perform Actions if allowed)
Figure: Project Overview subscreen on the Project screen
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